Saline River News

The Flying Ace Farm Visits the Library

Children’s author, Nancy Pruitt, and her husband, Farmer Doug, from The Flying Ace Farm in Bryant, Arkansas joined us for today’s program! Mrs. Nancy read her books, “Winston the Pony Goes To A Party” & “Milly the Filly!”, and shared the real-life stories of several of the characters featured in her books!
Heart bar horse shoes can be found throughout her books. Their horse, Ace, has had to wear this type of shoes for years. You will find these shoes hanging above The Flying Ace Farm’s doors, cemented in the barn floor, and of course, on Ace’s feet! To them they are more than a horse shoe, they are a symbol of love.

In closing, Mrs. Nancy posed the question, “What can you do to make someone happy today?” During the program, the kids got to meet Winston the Pony, Mr. Oliver Hopkins (a cute bunny), and a few chickens from The Farm!

Want to follow The Flying Ace Farm and Winston? You can do so on Facebook, Instagram (@herecomeswinston) or their website

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