The following is a direct re-print of the Warren Arrest & Confinement Record from the Warren, Arkansas Police Department. All people listed are innocent until proven guilty.
- Corey Ashley / 543 DanGill Dr., Dumas, AR / DOB 3-17-80 / warrants on 8-16-21
- Travaris Clary / 131 Cherry St., Monticello, AR / DOB 10-30-93 / warrant on 8-18-21
- Jeffrey Smith / 3071 Hwy 35 E., Monticello, AR / DOB 12-4-82 / driving on suspended 8-19-21
- Timothy Carter / 3071 Hwy 35 E., Monticello, AR / DOB 12-8-75 / drinking on Hwy open container on 8-19-21
- Keenon Clary / 506 Boyd St., Warren, AR / DOB 2-6-91 / warrant 8-22-21