Due to scheduling difficulties, the Bradley County Medical Center Board conducted the August, 2021 board meeting September 15. In a week, the board will meet again and hold the regular September meeting.
The Board, under the chairmanship of Freddie Mobley, approved the minutes of the July, 2021 meeting and then reviewed and approved the financials for July. It was reported that the County sales tax the Hospital received in July was $109,262.14. The sales tax balance at this time is $3,385,034.33.
CFO Leslie Huitt gave a detailed financial report and stated that Hospital volumes are up and revenues are stronger, but accounts receivable remain a problem. Mrs. Huitt stated the Hospital’s cash position remains strong.
CEO Steve Henson gave an administrative report. He indicated a nursing shortage continues to hamper hospitals throughout Arkansas and the U. S., including in Bradley County. He stated the Hospital is making some progress in hiring additional staff.
Marilyn Johnson, who has been on the job for some 13 days, gave a report on efforts to secure grant funding to help the Hospital move forward and provide improved services.