The Bradley County Medical Center Auxiliary recently donated $500.00 to the Bradley County Chamber of Commerce Special Events Committee. Chamber Special Events Chairwoman Debbie Spencer accepted the funding. The Chamber uses such funding for public events to promote Warren businesses.
Members of the Hospital Auxiliary include:
Phyllis Loomis, President
Lida Gardner
Freddie Lipton
Pauline Wolfe
Susie Clement
Gingy Cuthbertson
Also present was Bradley County Chamber of Commerce Chairman James Wells.
The Hospital Auxiliary makes money through sales from their Thrift Shop located inside the Brunson Medical Center Complex on N. Bragg Street just west of the Fairgrounds. The shop is open 9-1 Wednesday and Friday. The Gift shop is open M-W-F 8-noon. Must check in at the door to enter.
The Auxiliary has made over $30,000.00 to assist the Hospital since 2019.