Easter egg hunt happening April 9 at Warren City Park, plus other Chamber news

An Easter event was discussed by the Bradley County Chamber of Commerce board on Monday at the Bradley County Economic Development Corp. building.

By Tim Kessler

Special events chairwoman Julie Hamilton said an Easter egg hunt will be held at 10 a.m. April 9 at Warren City Park. Businesses will be asked to donate candy, which may be left at the Chamber office.

In other action:

  • Vice Chairman James Wells said a personal protection loan had been forgiven. That leaves the Chamber with current assets of $22,884 and fixed assets of $47,752.
  • Warren Mayor Denisa Pennington said future Market On Main events would be discussed at a meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday.
  • Chairwoman Terrie White said she had looked into production of a new map that would show Bradley County and the cities of Warren, Hermitage and Banks. The map company would sell sponsorships. The project was referred to the Executive Committee.
  • A meet and greet event will be held at 4:30-5:30 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Warren Municipal Building. Invited will be Fire Department, Police Department, City Council, courthouse employees, mayors, BCEDC and Chamber board members.
  • Discussion was held on White joining civic clubs. No final decision was made.
  • Bylaws changes were tabled.
  • Pennington and Wells said they would measure current city banners before replacing them.
  • Chamber membership dues categories were discussed. White said she would be contacting businesses and other entities to seek memberships.
  • Warren GFWC Woman’s Club will be hosting an Arbor Day event on April 29. Further details will be released soon.

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