Warren School Board lifts mask mandate

WARREN, Ark. – In the regular Warren School Board Meeting conducted February 14, 2022, members present voted to lift the mask mandate for the Warren School District, subject to reconsideration if COVID numbers begin to grow again.

All students and staff will remain under guidelines to wear a mask for five days when returning to school from being out for COVID or having been quarantined. It was noted by Superintendent Cornish that there is currently only a small number of students and staff affected by COVID. The Superintendent stated that contact tracing will continue.

Other business dealt with including the purchase of three storage sheds for ABC School at a cost of $15,762.60, approval of the 2022-2023 school district calendar, approval of changes to the “Ready for Learning Plan,” and approval of preceding with the plan to review the school board zones for adjustments as may be needed as a result of the recent ten year nationwide census.

In remarks by the Superintendent, he updated the board on the construction of the new elementary school and the new arena. He thanked all the teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication to the district and students during the pandemic of the past two years. School Board President Jerry Daniels extended his thanks to the Superintendent and all school teachers and staff.

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