Then He Screamed

“My God!”

Ignoring the pain, he pushed upward until his shoulders were higher than his nailed hands.

“Why have you forsaken me?”

As he gave his final breath, he spoke a final time, “It is finished!”

Bizarre, isn’t it. The thought of this man’s blood providing redemption for “whosoever” will.

The soldiers are busy now with the business of cleaning up the dead. Two men have come, they are given the body of Jesus to prepare for burial.

And we are left with the relics of his death:

  • Three nails in a bin
  • A braided crown with scarlet tips
  • A vinegar soaked sponge
  • Dice tossed at his feet
  • The spear with blood and water on the tip
  • The sign, King of the Jews

Rub your thumb over the tip of the spear. Balance a spike in the palm of your hand. Read the sign written in your language. And as you do, touch the velvet dirt, moist with the blood of our Savior.

  • Blood He bled for you
  • The spear He took for you
  • The nails He felt for you
  • The sign He left for you

He did all this for you!

I urge you as you read this and ponder what Jesus did for you, leave something at the cross. (You see what Christ left.) Those bad habits, leave them at the cross. Your selfish moods and white lies, leave them at the cross.

God does more than forgive our mistakes; He removes them! “As far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12)

Never to be remembered! Hebrews 8:12

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