County students take part in GFWC Warren Woman’s Club art contest

GFWC Warren Woman’s Club released winners of the Annual Bradley County Ten Penny Art Contest for 2022. Art was judged by Rob Reep local artist and 2021 juried art winner. Art supplies were awarded as prizes for winners with the exception of Overall Winners who received cash awards.

Shown in the above photo from the Warren art department from left to right are the following: Laura McKinney, art teacher; with winners: Emily Daniels, Creativity Award for “The Wishing Well”,Level II watercolor; Chloe Phillips, Overall runner-up for Level II drawing, “Blown Perfection”; Marlee Mann, Overall runner-up for Level I acrylic, “Flowers”; and Gabby Richardson, Overall Winner Level I, for drawing, “Faces”. Presenting the awards is Sandra Gatllng, GFWC Ten Penny Art Coordinator.

GFWC Warren Woman’s Club would like to express its thanks to the students, schools, and teachers for their hard work and support of its project and to Mr. Reep for judging the art which he considered impressive.

Left to right: Christobal Guerrero, Creativity Award, Level I; Carter Poole, Overall Winner Art, Level II; Sandra Gatling GFWC Warren Woman’s ClubTen Penny Art Coordinator

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