Re-New-ing Edinburg Holds May Meeting

The organization Re-New-ing Edinburg held their May meeting on May 17, 2022 and discussed a variety of topics.

The meeting was called to order by President Trenna Kemp and minutes of the April meeting on April 19, 2022 were passed out.  Motion was made and seconded to accept minutes as presented.  Motion passed.

Linda Hornaday passed out the financial statement with no checks or deposits made since the April meeting.  With no changes, the statement will be filed for audit.

Under old business, Roger McClellan advised the group that the sunflowers had been planted on the vacant lot beside the First Baptist church.  The electric fence charger, wire, fertilizer, post, etc. had been purchased at Attwood’s along with weed killer for $342.00 which was over the estimated price.

He also gave a report on the Veteran’s Park and motion was made by Linda Hornaday, seconded by Luis Tolano, to authorize Roger to purchase new flags for the NE Veterans Park plus purchase a new Eagle for the flag pole. Motion passed.   Motion was also made by Linda Hornaday, seconded by Patricia McClellan, to purchase 50 bricks from Menard’s for the Veterans Park.  Motion passed. He is planning to install 16 additional bricks before Memorial Day which would give a total 326 Veterans bricks installed at the park.

This is the last month of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful campaign and a motion was made to hold the last community cleanup on Wednesday, May 25 at 8:30 at the steps of the New Edinburg School.  Motion passed.

Last month the group agreed to host the Cleveland County Community Theater group at the center on July 3, however, due to a lack of performers, the event will not be held.  Their plans are to host a play in the fall similar to the “Murder at the Pie Auction” and Re-New-ing Edinburg will possibly have the option to host that event.

The group discussed other ideas for future projects including upgrades to the barbecue pavilion, adding trash cans to the playground and future events to include a back-to-school summer splash, fall junk hunt, and the fall festival.

The New Edinburg school basketball trophies have been stored at the NE school and the group has been contacted about moving them to the NE Community Center to better preserve them and to provide more public access.  Everyone agreed this would be a good project to sponsor.  

The New Edinburg All School Reunion will be held at the Community Center on July 9 at noon.  The Cleveland County Veterans luncheon will be held at the Cleveland County Fair Grounds on October 22, 2022.

Motion was made by Linda Hornaday, seconded by Patricia McClellan, to adjourn.  Motion passed with the next meeting scheduled for June 21 at 6:00 p.m.

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