Attention Medicaid recipients

This week we want to remind Arkansans who receive Medicaid coverage to make sure their contact information is up to date.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government temporarily stopped some Medicaid requirements and conditions. This was done to help keep people with Medicaid from losing their health coverage during the pandemic.

However, Arkansas will soon be required to review Medicaid eligibility for people whose coverage was extended due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. This means that many Medicaid clients may lose their coverage if they don’t take simple steps now.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has launched a campaign called Update Arkansas. The agency is working with community partners, advocates, and clients to make sure eligible Arkansans keep getting high quality health care coverage.

It’s important for clients to update their contact information now to avoid possibly losing coverage. Clients need to update their information on the phone, online, or in-person.

Here’s how clients can update their contact information:

  1. Call the Update Arkansas hotline at 1-844-872-2660
  2. Go online at
  3. Visit their local DHS county office to update their information 

Be sure to check the mail. Arkansas Medicaid may mail clients a renewal letter asking them to complete paperwork to make sure they still qualify for Medicaid.

If clients get renewal forms, they should fill them out and send them to Arkansas Medicaid right away to keep their coverage. They can renew quickly online at They can also fill out the renewal forms and mail them back to DHS or drop them off at their local DHS county office.

If clients have any questions, they can call 1-855-372-1084 or visit

DHS needs your help in spreading the message. This mission is too important to do alone. Your social media circle may include people who are Medicaid or ARHome clients or who have kids or grandkids with ARKids coverage. Please help spread the word regarding the importance of updating their information.

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