Bradley County Judge Klay McKinney told Bradley County Economic Development Corp. board members Monday night that negotiations were underway with a company that could save the city of Warren and Bradley County thousands of dollars in waste disposal.
Green Energy Co. is planning to build a disposal facility near Lake Village that will handle up to 400 tons of trash per day. The plant will cost about $100 million and should be operational within 18 months.

Saline River Chronicle Freelance Contributor

McKinney said when he first came into office, it cost the county $35.50 per ton to have trash transported from a transfer station to a landfill at Smackover. Now, it costs about $68 per ton.
Green Energy is expected to charge $40 per ton and the county is looking at a five-year commitment, which would lock in that cost. Also, based on tonnage, the county could get a refund at the end of each year.
“This will help industry to reduce their carbon footprint,” Warren Mayor Denisa Pennington said. The facility will be able to separate metals and potash for resale.
McKinney also explained the bell tower’s progress. He said painting was completed on the tower. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program funded part of the renovation and they decided to use cypress and treated pine for the cupola. That wood has been ordered. Another 15 to 30 feet of flue in the tower will be filled with mortar and then the bell tower will be ready to be placed back in place. McKinney said he hopes the project will be completed in the next six to seven weeks. The tower will also have lights installed in it and spotlights will be placed around the courthouse.
Funding for the project is still short about $56,000, but negotiations are continuing to receive some state funding.
In other action:
- Board Treasurer Carlton Davis gave the financial report in the absence of accountant Bob Milton. He said a $38,000 payment from LaSalle Corrections was included in the organization’s assets, with total assets at $937,000. Income of $500 was received for the past month from a lease from Sorrells Lumber.
Board member Keith Chambers asked about the status of a $50,000 loan made by BCEDC to J&E Food Group, with Arkansas Development Finance Authority also giving a $100,000 loan. Pennington said company owner John White still owns the building.
“I understand (ADFA) are still working on it,” board Chairman Dr. Bob Smalling said.
- Pennnington said work is continuing on the 2023 city budget. Smalling said BCEDC has made a request for $20,000 in funding and was awaiting a meeting with the city Ways and Means Committee to discuss the request.
- Board member John Lipton, who also serves on the Southeast Arkansas Regional Intermodal Facilities Authority board, said a new road had been staked off in conjunction with a Union Pacific Railroad crossing. He said the Bradley and Drew County judges had agreed to have their county road crews build the road. A light on the Intermodal water tower has been repaired.
- Bradley County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Terrie White said a Trunk or Treat event is planned for Oct. 29. The Chamber membership has increased by 60 members. A project is underway to replace concrete on the Chamber lot next to Molly’s Diner with gravel.
- Smalling said the Executive Committee recommended that Tracy Rawls with T&T Construction be hired to repair the Industrial Park property previously intended for the regional jail for $12,455. A motion was approved to accept the bid.
- Smalling said a lease with Scott Richardson was held up because of debris which had been placed on the BCEDC property without permission. Although he said one bid to clean up the property had been received, no action was taken.
- A motion was approved to pay a $675 bill for repairs to the BCEDC building.
- A motion was approved to join a National Child Safety Council program by providing materials to 25 students for $93.75.
- A motion was approved to pay $200 to provide a luncheon for Job Fair participants. The Job Fair will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 22 at Immanuel Baptist Church. It is sponsored by Arkansas Employment Security Division, BCEDC and the Chamber.
- A motion was approved to give $150 for Bradley County Fair’s Junior Livestock Sale premiums. Board member and County Agent-Staff Chairman John Gavin said the fair will be held on Sept. 14-17 and will include Market On Main, Kids Zone, food booths, hayrides, petting zoo, rib sales and other events.