WARREN, Ark. (8/30/22) – Bradley County Medical Center conducted a no-fault emergency preparedness drill in conjunction with the Southeast Arkansas Human Development Center Tuesday morning in an effort to test the hospital’s plan in the event of a disaster that has mass casualties.
The drill began around 9 a.m. Tuesday morning as an active shooter drill at the Southeast Arkansas Human Development Center. In this mock scenario, SEAHDC informed BCMC that there could be mass casualties and that the hospital could see an influx of patients in the emergency room. Once this was completed, BCMC held its own mock exercise with the help of SouthArk nursing students and staff portraying the casualties, distressed family members, and a member of the media trying to gain access to the building.

A number of Bradley County Medical Center staff responded to the mock incident with around 35 total employees participating. This training exercise was conducted to allow the hospital to test its emergency preparedness for a disaster. There were several observers of the drill and all came together for a debriefing to discuss what went right and what went wrong. This exercise was a learning experience to gather information on BCMC’s disaster response.
BCMC would like to thank the SouthArk nursing students and staff for their wonderful portrayal of mock victims, family members, and a media member. Bradley County Medical Center would also like to extend its thanks to the SEAHDC for allowing the hospital to participate in its mock drill and all of the other agencies involved that helped make this training a success. BCMC would also like to acknowledge its fantastic emergency room staff that were able to take care of our real patients and not miss a beat during this drill.
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