In addition to the routine monthly reports and updates provided, the Hermitage School Board voted to purchase a new 18 passenger school bus at a cost of $44,000.00, Monday, September 12, 2022. The bus to be purchased possesses a lift.
Misti McGhee gave the report for grades 7-12 and SIS, and Rosalynda Ellis provided the K-6 and SIS report. Superintendent Dr. Tracy Tucker updated the board on the American Rescue Plan funds. The board then approved the 2022-2023 budget, the Unemployment Compensation program, and bids for the football and basketball scoreboards.
After an executive session, the board accepted the resignation of Kelly Hargis-Gorman and then approved the hiring of the following for the 21st CCLC program:
- Rosalynda Ellis
- Tracie Richard
- Ron Hoskins
- Kristi Best
- Kasey Johnston
- Madison Vines
- Ashley Martinez
- Chase Ellis
- Tyler Caruthers
The board then adjourned.