Warren School District reports 1,424 enrolled

Warren School District Superintendent Bryan Cornish informed the Warren School Board during their monthly meeting conducted October 10, 2022 that the current official enrollment for the year is 1,424, which is down 38 from the past year. The racial makeup of the student body is 36.07 percent African American, 34.25 percent white and 26.17 parent hispanic. He also announced parent teacher conferences are scheduled as follows: October 24, Middle School, High School and SEACBEC and ABC. October 25 the conferences will be held at Eastside and Brunson.

The District annual report to the public was provided in some detail with parts being presented by the Assistant Superintendent and each school principal or director. Budgets and test scores were covered. The report is available in full at the Superintendent’s office. Not counting the funds spent for the new Arena, the past year’s athletic budget for all sports was $769,154.89.

Several questions were asked by board members. No one from the public spoke or asked questions.

In other business the board took the following actions:

  • Approved Act 1120 resolution of review of 5% employee increases
  • Appointed Board Member Joel Tolefree as the board representative to the Arkansas School Board Association
  • Approved Triple-S Alarm Co. Insurance payments as a result of storm damage to technology that occurred in June. ABC PreSchool received $8,945. Brunson & Warren Middle School received $34,871.00. Special Services received $7,851.00.
  • Approved ABC Preschool Food Program for 2022-2023 year
  • Approved purchase of cafeteria furniture for high school in the amount of $66,739.13 from Virco
  • Approved scorer’s table for the new Arena in the amount of $34,383.00 from Rainey Electronic
  • Approved E-Rate consultant, chose CRW

The Superintendent stated he believes the Arena will be ready for use in early January 2023 and the new elementary school should be completed by late January 2023. He stated the school date completion is still fluid.

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