The Re-New-ing Edinburg committee met Tuesday, November 15 at the New Edinburg Community Center to discuss a variety of projects currently underway, including the start of decorating the community for Christmas, as well as a community-wide game night. The following are the minutes of the meeting:
President Kemp welcomed those present and called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were emailed and passed out to those present. Motion was made by Linda Hornaday, seconded by Brenda Triplett to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Linda Hornaday passed out the financial statement and with no questions/additions it will be filed for audit.
Motion made by Roger McClellan, seconded by Don Triplett, to combine the CD/annual fund and children’s fund into the general fund. Motion passed.

Trenna advised those present that several members met Monday and began to decorate the town for Christmas. The Christmas card along with several of the new pallet Christmas trees were placed throughout the town plus the Christmas balls. The next work day is Wednesday at 1 pm and on Thursday the historic hotel will be decorated. Melody Spears has begun decorating the sugar shack for Santa’s visit on December 16 and 17 and the Wagons will have the Christmas pole lights up in the next few days.
Trenna and Patricia attended the Kickstart Cleveland County meeting on Thursday and reported to that group that re-New-ing Edinburg had 660 volunteer hours the months of August, September and December participating in the Great AR cleanup, the historic junk hunt, the NE fall festival drive through event, Christmas preparation, taking down the flags in town and the cleanup of the sunflower patch. The Kickstart group voted to have a volunteer banquet on February 24, 2023 and each action group is requested to select a 2022 Volunteer of the year who will be recognized at the banquet. Other events scheduled throughout the county include the Rison Shine Christmas parade on December 1, the Cleveland County theater’s production of “I’ll Be home for Christmas” on December 3 and 4 at the fairgrounds plus a blood drive to be held December 27. Christmas in the Village will be held on December 3. The new Cooperative Extension Agent, David West, was introduced at the meeting. The Cleveland County Fair board will host a ribbon cutting for the Share Grounds project on December 1 at 3:00 p.m. Plans are also underway for a Pioneer Craft Festival at the village on March 17 and 18. The Kingsland All School Reunion is scheduled for February 25, 2023 with New Edinburg to host theirs July 8, 2023.
Melody Spears informed the group that Cleveland County is in the process of becoming a Purple Heart County and everyone is invited to the Quorum Count meeting December 5 at 6:00 p.m. to witness the adoption of the proclamation. While everyone is invited to attend, all veterans and purple heart recipients are extended a special invitation to attend the meeting. Twenty-five signs have been ordered and will be placed on roads entering the county by the Cleveland County Road Dept along with the cooperation of the AR State Highway Department.
2023 officers were elected as follows: Martha Talono, President; Roger McClellan, Vice-President; Linda Hornaday, Treasurer; Patricia C. McClellan, Secretary and Kathy Waldrop, Information Officer.
The group also voted by secret ballot submitted to Trenna Kemp their vote for the re-New-ing Edinburg 2022 Volunteer of the Year which will remain a secret until the Kickstart Cleveland County Banquet to be held in February.
Motion was made by Patricia McClellan, seconded by David Kemp to hold a community social/game night at the New Edinburg Community Center on January 28 at 6:00 p.m. Motion passed. The Community Center spring barbecue and fundraiser will be held March 11 and Melody Spears will share additional information in January as there will be no December meeting.
Motion was made by Patricia McClellan to adjourn, seconded by David Kemp to adjourn until January 17. Motion passed.