The Rotary Club of Warren met for its weekly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 1 inside First United Methodist Church with Rotarian Dr. Tracy Tucker presenting the program. The superintendent for Hermitage School District, Tucker introduced the sponsors of the Hermitage Beta Club program Ginnie Sellers and Tracie Richard. Sellers is over the 9th through 12th grade Beta Club, while Richard is the main sponsor for the 4th through 8th grade program, but helps with the Senior High’s.

They both went on to talk about the recent state competition these students attended in Hot Springs. Easton Parker ran for a leadership position, while Anna Castillo talked about a program assisting the elderly in the community. Grace Smith, Sayra Martinez, Aislin England, and John Robert Ellis were part of a problem-solving competition where they were given a complex problem to solve with a $5,000 budget. They had 24 hours to prepare and then make their presentation at the competition. Cristobal Guerrero, Ricky Robinson, Reece Reep, and Carter Wilkerson were part of a skills competition team that competed in several different tasks against other schools. Due to the great results from the competition, the Hermitage Beta Club earned a spot in the national competition. The program was very informative and well-received by the Rotary Club.
Picture: Hermitage Beta Club (from L to R): Sponsor Ginnie Sellers, Cristobal Guerrero, Ricky Robinson, Anna Castillo, Reece Reep, Easton Parker, Grace Smith, Sayra Martinez, Carter Wilkerson, Aislin England, John Robert Ellis, and sponsor Tracie Richard.