The Hermitage Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Board Room. The following members were present: Russell Richard; Kevin Reep; Mary Hamilton; Dorothy Davis; Reia Thomas; Gary Vines; and David Wilkerson. Others present were: Dr. Tracy Tucker, Superintendent; Mistie McGhee, 7-12 Principal/SIS; Rosalynda Ellis, K-6 Principal/SIS; and Mr. Ray Beardsley with Beardsley Public Finance.
The motion to accept the minutes from the November 14, 2022 meeting was made by Keivn Reep. The second was made by Mary Hamilton. The motion passed 7-0.
The financial report was reviewed. The motion to accept the report and pay bills was made by Mary Hamilton. The second was made by Dorothy Davis. The motion passed 7-0.

Mistie McGhee gave the 7-12 Principal/SIS report.
Rosalynda Ellis gave the K-6 Principal/SIS report.
Dr. Tucker gave the Superintendent’s Report.
Dr. Tucker gave an update on the American Rescue Plan Act (CARES and ESSER included).
The bids for surplus items for sale were opened. Bids are as follows:
- Gooseneck trailer – bid was given by JJ Merchant for $1,677.77, Drew Hoggard for $302.00, & Keith Outlaw for $555.00.
- 1992 GMC Box Truck – bid was given by JJ Merchant for $1,877.77, no other bids were received.
- 1998 International School Bus (#19) – bid was given by Keith Outlaw for $150.00, no other bids were received.
- 1998 International School Bus (#26) – bid was given by Keith Outlaw for $150.00, no other bids were received.
- Used chain link fence – no bids were received.
The motion to accept the bid for the gooseneck trailer for $1,677.77, given by JJ Merchant; accept bid the bid for 1992 GMC Box Truck for $1,877.77, given by JJ
Merchant, and open bids back to the public for the school buses and used chain link fence was made by Gary Vines. The second was made by Keven Reep. The motion passed 7-0.
The Board went into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The Board came out of Executive Session.
A resignation from Bradley T. Englerth II, effective December 17, 2022, was read. The motion to accept the resignation was made by David Wilkerson. The second was made by Kevin Reep. The motion passed 7-0.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Gary Vines. The second was made by Dorothy Davis. The motion passed 7-0.
Mr. Ray Beardsley with Beardsley Public Finance came to conduct Financial Training that is required for board members.