The Rotary Club of Warren came together for its weekly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 6 at First United Methodist Church. The group heard from Junior Rotarians Kailey Henry and Ricky Robinson from Warren and Hermitage, respectively, to begin the meeting. Rotarian and Superintendent of the Southeast Arkansas Human Development Center Mark Wargo then introduced his program of John McLean from Guidehouse. Guidehouse is a consulting service that every Human Development Center in Arkansas is taking advantage of, including SEAHDC in Warren. McLean spoke at length about the amount of issues employers are having as a result of the recent pandemic. He explained that while employees still want higher wages obviously, they are starting to care more and more about work-life balance, working for a company that cares about them, and working for supervisors who care about them as people, not just employees. Guidehouse conducts surveys about employee satisfaction and helps companies implement initiatives based on the results. McLean ended his presentation by answering a few questions from the crowd.
Top photo: from L to R: John McLean of Guidehouse and Rotarian Mark Wargo.