The Rotary Club of Warren met for their weekly meeting Tuesday, Jan. 24 at noon. The meeting began with a special presentation of Paul Harris Fellow Recognition to three members. Rotarian Denisa Pennington was named a Paul Harris Fellow and received a certificate and pin for her efforts. Rotarians Jimmy Sledge and Bob Milton were honored for Paul Harris Fellow +1 status and received a pin with one blue sapphire gem on it. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Top photo: Rhonda Williams and Rotarian Marnette George.

The group then heard from Junior Rotarian Paris Wright before Rotarian Marnette George introduced her program of Rhonda Williams. Williams is the School Improvement Specialist for the Warren School District and spoke about the R.I.S.E. Community Award Program. The district has received a grant to promote reading within the school and the community. She is reaching out to different members and organizations around the community to help this campaign, which promotes a love and culture for reading. These partnerships will all take place before June 23, 2023 and will involve a number of different activities. Williams expressed interest in the Rotary Club being a partner along with the Imagination Libray that the Rotary Club is heaviliy involved in. She answered a few questions before meeting with Rotary leaders for more details about the program.