Stacey Gorman of The Cotton Board presents Rotary program

The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday, Jan. 17 inside the Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church for its weekly meeting. The program began by recognizing Bob Milton for reaching Paul Harris Fellow +1 status and he received an honorary pin. The meeting continued by hearing from Warren High School Junior Rotarian Delfino Rivera and the club will hear from Paris Wright next week.

Top photo: from L to R: Stacey Gorman and Rotarian Carlton Davis

Rotarian Carlton Davis then introduced his program of Stacey Gorman, who the Director of Communications for The Cotton Board. Based in Memphis, Tennessee, The Cotton Board is the oversight and administrative arm of the Cotton Research and Promotion Program, representing U.S. Upland cotton. To fund the Program, The Cotton Board collects a per-bale assessment on all Upland cotton harvested and ginned in the U.S. and an importer assessment on the cotton content of all Upland cotton products imported into the U.S. The Cotton Board invests those funds with a sole-source contractor, Cotton Incorporated, to carry out the actual research and promotion activities for U.S. producers and importers of cotton. Gorman explained she started out working in Memphis, but has been fortunate to work remotely which allowed her and her husband Brandon to move to Warren around 12 years ago. She travels all over the Cotton Belt and to other cotton-producing states in the United States. She mentioned that Arkansas is the fifth-highest cotton producing state in the country although Bradley County doesn’t produce any now but had in the past. Gorman leads The Cotton Board’s advertising, public relations, social media, marketing, and producer-outreach efforts. She is originally from Monticello and graduated from the University of Central Arkansas. She concluded the program by answering a few questions.

Junior Rotarian Picture Attached from L to R: Delfino Rivera and Paris Wright

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