The following are the full minutes for the February 21, 2023 Re-New-ing Edinburg meeting:
President Martha Tolano called the meeting to order. Minutes of the January meting were previously emailed. Motion was made by Trenna Kemp, seconded by Brenda Triplett, to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed.
Trenna Kemp passed out the financial statement and gave a brief report. It will be filed for audit.
The Ole Time Jamboree held January 28 was performed before a sold-out group where Shae Carson not only performed, but thanked the community for supporting her performances throughout the years. Shae and her family will be moving to Minden, LA. Everyone attending the event had a fun filled night of entertainment, fellowship and great food prepared by Trenna Kemp. The new electric stove purchased by Re-New-ing Edinburg was installed at the community center prior to the event and is a great addition to the kitchen at the center.

Martha reminded the group that the Cleveland County Kickstart Banquet will be held at the fairgrounds on February 24 at 6:00 p.m. Thursday night at 5:30 the exhibition hall will be decorated and Trenna, Kathy and Patricia have gathered items and pictures to set up a display showcasing Re-New-ing Edinburg’s 2022 activities. The 2022 Volunteer of the year for each individual county group will also be honored at the event. Several members will be attending the event.
The game night held on February 18 was enjoyed by everyone who attended. Cards, dominos, puzzles, food and fellowship were experienced by all attendees. Motion was made by Trenna Kemp, seconded by Don Triplett, to hold the next game night on April 29. Motion passed.
Melody Spears reminded the group that the New Edinburg Community Center’s spring fundraiser will be a fish fry and will be held on March 11 at 5:00 p.m. Plates can be picked up to go or eaten at the center while enjoying entertainment by Josie Hargis. She will be contacting community members regarding donating deserts and drinks for the event.
Patricia reminded the group that the All-School Reunion will be held at the center on July 8 and that she has been contacting various students to enlist their assistance in contacting their class members. A catered meal will be serviced and meal tickets will be available soon plus additional activities outlined.
Under new business, a motion was made by Patricia McClellan, seconded by Brenda Triplett, to hold an Easter Egg Hunt at the center on Saturday, April 1 at 10: 00 am. with a secondary date of Sunday, April 2 at 2:00 p.m. if needed due to bad weather. Children 12 and under will be invited to attend the hunt plus enjoy snow cones and games. Motion passed.
The 2023 Great American Cleanup has been scheduled for March 1- May 31. Motion was made by Trenna, seconded by Patricia, for Re-New-ing Edinburg to participate in the cleanup. Motion passed.
The Arkansas Homesteading Conference has been scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2023, at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. Educational sessions and demonstrations are scheduled through the day. Admission is $15.
Motion was made by Trenna, seconded by Kathy Waldrop to adjourn. Motion passed.