Saline River News

Rotary hears program from Warren EAST program

The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday for its weekly meeting at Noon at First United Methodist Church. The Rotarians heard from Junior Rotarian Natalie Cooper first before Rotarian Jimmy Sledge introduced his program. Sledge introduced his daughter Payton Reep, who is the EAST facilitator at Warren High School. She gave a brief introduction before the crowd watched a 10-minute video that featured the projects the EAST students were currently involved in or had recently completed. Once the video was complete Reep allowed the eight students she had in attendance a chance to introduce themselves and talk about their respective projects along with the experience of traveling to the 2023 EAST Conference. The eight students there were Layne Dawkins, Jayden Ridgell, Raven Harris, Braylen Watson, Lily Dawkins, Javier Villeda, Victoria O’Neill, and Junior Rotarian Cooper. The group featured kids from grades 9th through 12th and in different years of EAST experience. Some of the programs highlighted were:

  • Lakeport Plantation – virtual 360 tour using GoPro Fusion 360
  • Delta Rivers Nature Center – video and recreating broken handle in Water Filtration System using 3D printer and scanner
  • Lighting Up Crime – partnered with Warren City Police to compare crime locations against street light locations
  • WWII Japanese-American Internment Museum – streaming the 10th anniversary celebration of the museum featuring George Takei

The eight students spoke briefly about their projects and going to EAST Conference. Lily Dawkins was a Student Champion, O’Neill was a Student Champion and part of the Documentation Team, and Harris was on the Ambassador Team. Those three were featured on THV11 at the event and they all spoke on their roles at EAST Conference. Reep told the crowd that our EAST program won a Founder’s Award. WHS EAST was one of three schools out of 260 eligible to claim the award. Reep and her students answered a few questions from the crowd to end the presentation.

Top photo: Picture Attached of Rotary Program (3-28-23), front row L to R: Javier Villeda, Natalie Cooper, and Victoria O’Neill. Back row L to R: Layne Dawkins, Jayden Ridgell, Raven Harris, Braylen Watson, Lily Dawkins, Rotarian Jimmy Sledge, and EAST Facilitator Payton Reep.

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