The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday, Oct. 8 for its first of two meetings in October at noon inside the Fellowship Hall at First Methodist Church. The club’s board members met early with District 6170 Governor Sherry Polsgrove-Taylor, who was in town for the District Governor’s annual meeting with each of its clubs. The regular program started at noon with Junior Rotarians from Warren High School making their presentations. Kolby Pope spoke first, followed by Nathan Spears, and rounded out by Jessie Cortes.

Polsgrove-Taylor then inducted two new members into the Warren Rotary Club. Tiffany Wargo and Donna Lawhon officially joined the club after the ceremony by Polsgrove-Taylor. The District Governor moved into her presentation for the day. She spoke about growing membership, making your Rotary Club irresistible, and all of the projects currently underway in the district. She touched on some of her key initiatives for her tenure and spoke very highly of the Warren Club and its leadership. The Rotary Club of Warren will meet Tuesday, Oct. 22 for its second and final meeting of the month.