Jessica Griffin Presents Program to Rotary

Jessica Griffin (left) and Rotarian Carlton Davis

The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday, March 25 at First Methodist Church at noon for its second meeting of March. Rotarian Carlton Davis presented the program of Jessica Griffin. Griffin, a former Junior Rotarian and graduate of Warren High School, is the Local Lead at the Southeast Arkansas Education Service Cooperative for Early Childhood Education. Her service area included Ashley, Bradley, and Drew Counties and this program aims to advance quality early care and education in communities through mutual partnerships with providers, families, and stakeholders, in accordance to the Arkansas LEARNS Act. Griffin took on this role in January but has hit the ground running. She told the group about how 90% of a child’s brain develops before they start kindergarten. Some of her responsibilities including guiding providers through the ins and outs of requirements from the Office of Early Childhood and State Licensing, conducting site visits, setting up local training for early childhood providers, partnering with local districts, and running community wide events to promote parent education. Griffin went over a number of stats and answered some questions from the crowd to conclude the program.

The Rotary Club of Warren now meets twice a month, and our main service project is the Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Bradley County. If you are interested in joining Rotary come by on the second or fourth Tuesday of the month for a meeting at noon. If you’d like to learn about how to donate to the Imagination Library, please reach out to a Rotary member or message our Facebook page named Rotary Club of Warren, Arkansas.

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