Shelby Gibson Earns BCMC Employee of the Month for February

BCMC is excited to announce that Shelby Gibson of the Outpatient Therapy Department has earned the Employee of the Month Award for February.

Shelby’s nomination said: “Shelby is the hardest working person I know. She goes above and beyond daily to be sure the department is running smoothly, clinically and financially. She has spent many hours doing research and learning new tasks as a manager to ensure things are always taken care of properly. She has a “do not stop until it is done,” attitude and keeps a smile while doing so. I’m very proud to call her my work partner and friend, but more importantly, I think she deserves recognition for all the hard work she puts forth daily in our department. I think I can speak for our entire department when I say we are blessed to have her!” 

Congratulations Shelby on a well-deserved award!

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