Members of the Warren School Board met Thursday evening, May 19, 2022 to consider personnel matters and to act on employee bonuses for the 2021-2022 school year.
Six of the seven board members were present.
After conducting an executive session the following actions were taken:
Approved the resignations of the following:
- Dalton Weatherly, high school math
- Cody Jones, boys and girls soccer coach and tennis coach
- Tye Brown, science teacher and assistant football and baseball coach
- Aalexus Jones, Middle school coding instructor/PE Instructor and 7th grade girls basketball coach
- Braley Sanson, Middle School math teacher
- KeyAira Charles Brown, Brunson instructor
- Matt Young, Eastside instructor
- Brigitte Clark, Eastside paraprofessional
Approved hiring the following:
- Aalexus Jones, elementary PE instructor, Jr. High Head girls basketball coach, assistant senior high basketball coach and assistant track coach
- Matt Young, Brunson Dean of Students
- KeyAira Charles Brown, Brunson and Warren Middle School Art teacher
- Michael Anderson, Warren Middle School Assistant Principal
- Brigitte Clark, ISS paraprofessional/paraprofessional at Brunson
All personnel votes were unanimous.
The board then approved pay bonuses for 2021-2022 as follows:
- Full time employees will receive $1000.00 across the board, and those working less than full time will receive a prorated share based upon the number of hours worked per day.
- A full route bus driver will receive $500.00, and a half route bus driver will receive $250.00.
There was no further business and the board adjourned.