Apply for a 2022 Arkansas alligator hunt permit

Applications for the 2022 Arkansas alligator season are available at from 8 a.m., June 15 through midnight, June 30. Anyone interested in pursuing alligators on public land in Arkansas must apply for one of the six hunting locations within two of Arkansas’s three open Alligator Management Zones. 

The 2022 alligator permit draw will have 43 permits available for public draw. 

Alligator hunt permits will be available on the following publicly accessible areas:

Alligator Management Zone 1

  • 12 permits for Millwood Lake
  • 4 permits for Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois D’Arc Lake
  • 5 permits for Little River WMA
  • 1 permit for Sulphur River WMA

Alligator Management Zone 3

  • 21 permits for Lower Arkansas River Wetland Complex (Arkansas River backwaters near Arkansas Post)

Alligator Management Zone 2 does not have any public draw opportunities, but is part of the private land hunt, which is regulated by a quota system. 

Each permit authorizes the harvest of one alligator, which must be at least 4 feet long. Alligator hunting is allowed 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise during the approved alligator hunting season dates – Sept. 16-19 and Sept. 23-26. Each permit holder may have up to three assistants with them on the hunt, but only the permit holder is allowed to snare, harpoon or dispatch the alligator.

Applicants must be at least 16 years of age the day the hunt begins, and only Arkansas residents or holders of an Arkansas Lifetime Sportsman’s Permit may apply. Applicants with 18 or more AGFC violation points are ineligible to apply. Alligator-hunt applicants must pay a $5 nonrefundable processing fee at the time of their application.

Anyone who has access to private land in Alligator Zones 1, 2 or 3 may purchase a private land alligator tag in addition to their big-game hunting license and be able to hunt during alligator season until the quota is met for their zone.

Each private land hunter must call the wildlife hotline (1-800-440-1477) every night before hunting to see if the quota has been met. If the quota is reached, the hunt ends early.

Successful applicants and private land hunters must also go through an online hunt orientation before going to the field. The orientation lays out the most important details and frequently asked questions about the hunt.

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