The GFWC members attending the January club meeting took time to have a photo made of each one wearing a ‘blue heart’ in recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human Trafficking is a form of Domestic Violence, which is GFWC’s National Signature Project. The Signature Program’s goal is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of violence against women in communities across the nation….and the globe. Areas of focus includes Intimate Partner Violence, Child Abuse, Teen Dating Violence, Campus Sexual Assault, Elder Abuse, Violence Against Native American Women, Military Assault, and Human Trafficking. This is a time for people, organizations, communities, and federal organizations to join in efforts to combat all forms of human trafficking, including sex trafficking and forced labor. Pictured front row: JeNelle Lipton, Joen Bryant, Jan Smalling, and Diane Parnell, Chairman. Back Row: Joy Kitchens, Sandra Gatling, Jan McLeMore, Donna McGaha, Jonayln Reep, Judy Braswell, Glenda Cros, and Judy Gibson, club president.