This was meeting #100 for re-New-ing Edinburg and Kickstart Cleveland County, of which the group is apart. They will be celebrating their 10-year anniversary in May.
New Edinburg, AR — On February 17, members of Re-New-ing Edinburg convened at the New Edinburg Community Center for their monthly meeting. President Martha Tolano welcomed attendees and called the session to order.
Approval of Minutes and Financials
The November 2024 minutes were distributed to those present and emailed to all members. Upon a motion by Larry Waldrop and seconded by Melody Spears, the minutes were approved as presented. Treasurer Linda Hornaday then presented the financial statement, which will be filed for audit without objection.
Reflecting on Santa’s Visit
The group revisited December’s Santa event, with Trenna Kemp noting how extending the “candy land” decorations toward the barbecue pit area helped manage traffic flow. Approximately 142 children ages 13 and under visited with Santa, and many parents, grandparents, and siblings also enjoyed the festivities. Re-New-ing Edinburg provided cookies, hot chocolate, and a Christmas ornament for each family.
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
On January 21, Re-New-ing Edinburg held a volunteer appreciation dinner. Attendees expressed gratitude to Randy and Susan Wagnon and family for putting up holiday lights around New Edinburg. Volunteer firefighters—including Chief James Gill, Kaleb Parker, Sondra Parker, Keith Parker, Roger McClellan, Patricia McClellan, Shannon Williams, Chris Talley, Jon Miles, and Dean Bowen—joined the celebration, as did community center board members Melody Spears, Kallee Brandford, Don Triplett, and Brenda Triplett. President Tolano extended her thanks to all the dedicated volunteers.
Game Night and Upcoming Events
A recent game night on February 13 attracted a large crowd, including several newcomers. By motion of Larry Waldrop, seconded by David Kemp, the group agreed to host another game night on February 28 at 5:30 p.m. Plans are also underway for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. at the community center, with details to be finalized at the March meeting.
Great South Arkansas Junk Hunt
The Great South Arkansas Junk Hunt will pass through New Edinburg from April 3–6. Kemp and other volunteers will work on pricing and organizing items in anticipation of this popular spring event.
All School Reunion
Members approved selling $15 meal tickets for the All School Reunion on April 26, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Dorey’s Catfish of Sheridan will cater, and Frankie Hall has secured a new Blackstone grill and other raffle items to help offset event costs.
Kickstart Ten Year Celebration Banquet
Kemp and Patricia McClellan attended a planning meeting for the May 8 Kickstart Ten Year Celebration Banquet at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. Kemp will provide the banquet-style meal, and the group agreed to allow use of its white plates for the event. Members voted for “Volunteer of the Year” via written ballots, and Tolano will share the group’s selection with Stacy Waltz for the official announcement at the banquet.
Great American Trash Pickup
By motion of Patricia McClellan, seconded by David Kemp, Re-New-ing Edinburg will once again participate in the Great American Trash Pickup, running March 1 through May 31.
Community Center BBQ Fundraisers
Melody Spears announced two upcoming fundraisers to be held at the community center: a BBQ fundraiser on March 8, and another on May 17—including a live auction—to support Jeremy Reynolds.
With all business concluded, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn, and the motion passed. The busy agenda and enthusiastic participation signal a vibrant spring season ahead in New Edinburg.