Three sentences handed down after plea bargains in local cases

Within the last couple of weeks three criminal cases have been concluded in Bradley County Circuit Court based upon plea bargains. They are as follows:

Defendant-Richard J. Barrett
Judge Crews Puryear
Charges-Use or possession of controlled substance and paraphernalia to manufacture methamphetamine/cocaine
Sentence-36 months in prison, 36 months suspended plus fees
In a second case the defendant received another 36 months in the Department of Corrections and another 36 suspended plus fees.

Defendant-Curvin Vontal McCoy
Judge Quincey Ross
Charges-Domestic Battery 3rd and Aggravated Assault
Sentence-Convicted, 335 months suspended plus fees.

Defendant-John Nicholas Adair
Judge Quincey Ross
Charges-Possession of methamphetamine
Sentence-48 months in prison and 36 months suspended plus fees.

Plea bargains were made between the prosecutor’s office and defense council and approved by the Court.

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