Bradley County first Arkansas county to report over 50 percent of eligible population vaccinated

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 Bradley County became the first county in Arkansas to report over 50 percent of the eligible population fully vaccinated. 50.1 percent of eligible citizens in Bradley County are now fully vaccinated according to the Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 statistical website. The site reports that 12.6 percent of Bradley County’s population…

Hermitage School Board takes actions for 2021/2022 year

The Hermitage School Board met Monday, August 9, 2021 and conducted business in preparation for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. After taking care of all routine monthly business and hearing updates from the administrative staff, the board approved a resolution for contract disclosure for Collin Wilkerson and Tracie Richard. Both employees are related…

Dana Harvey speaks to Warren Rotary about the Veterans History Project

Rotarian Dana Harvey presented the program at the meeting of the Warren Rotary Club on Tuesday, August 17 inside the Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church. Harvey’s program was about the Veterans History Project, which aims to collect, preserve, and make accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may…

Jason Wallace named Warren School District Resource Officer

The Warren School District and the Bradley County Sheriff’s Office have announced the hiring of former local law enforcement officer Jason Wallace as the Resource Officer for the Warren School District. Jason has previously worked for the Sheriff’s Office and the City of Warren Police Department. He has extensive law enforcement experience of over 20…