Due to limited space in the barn, all livestock exhibitors must contact the Bradley County Extension Service at 870-226-8410 to reserve space for your livestock exhibitions. Cage and pen allotments will be made on a first come first serve basis. The following health requirements must be shown to the Livestock Barn Superintendent prior to unloading…
All posts in Outdoors
Backcountry hunters and anglers hosting deer hunting field day
MAYFLOWER — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will partner with the Arkansas chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to help people get into gear for this year’s upcoming deer hunting season. The two organizations will host a special field day from 9 a.m.-noon August 21 at the Multipurpose Building of Camp Robinson Special Use…
Learn bear-hunting basics with AGFC’s lead bear biologist
FORT SMITH — Myron Means, large carnivore program coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, will host a series of seminars at AGFC nature centers throughout the state during August and September to teach people about one of Arkansas’s most prized hunts and the state’s former namesake. “Arkansas was once known as the bear…
Poultry Testing For Fair
All poultry to be entered into the Bradley County Fair must comply with the poultry health regulations by being tested for Pullorum-Typhoid. The Bradley County Agent, John Gavin, will test chickens at the Bradley County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, August 31st, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. No Pullorum-Typhoid testing will be conducted during the Fair. Contact the Bradley…
Boost the wildlife potential of your hunting property
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and its partners in conservation are hosting special workshops throughout the state to help landowners improve the wildlife habitat on their property, Whether your focus is deer, turkey, quail or the many non-game species that depend upon healthy habitat, AGFC biologists want to help. Clint Johnson,…