Check out the new SRC Shop, featuring local apparel and souvenirs!

This morning, August 1, 2022, Saline River Chronicle launched an online-only local apparel and souvenir shop which offers an array of exclusive designs for the Warren and Bradley County Community. “We are incredibly excited to open the official Saline River Chronicle shop, which carries one-of-a-kind clothing celebrating our community,” said SRC owner Rob Reep. Many…

Winter clothing and food drive happening through November 19

Eastside Elementary School in partnership with the Warren Branch Library is holding a winter food and clothing drive now through November 19, 2021. Items that are needed for donation include hats, gloves, scarves, socks, blankets, non-perishable food(Pop-top cans), and hygiene products. Those wishing to donated can drop of goods at two different drop-off locations. Items…