Monday, October 18, 2021 a First Judicial Appearance was conducted by Judge Bruce Anderson on Antario Gilbert for the charge of Capital Murder. During the First Appearance, Gilbert was denied bond due to the charge in which was upgraded from Murder 1st to Capital Murder after Sgt. Tim Nichols met with Prosecutor Thomas Deen to…
All posts tagged court
Keller Bigham crowned 2021 WHS Homecoming Queen
Keller Bigham was crowned the 2021 Warren High School Homecoming Queen Friday, October 15, 2021 during a ceremony at Jim Hurley, Jr. Stadium on the WHS campus. Keller’s Royal Court included senior maids Jacey Ashcraft, Tyairean Bass, Ashlyn Broughton, Annie Figueroa, Jayden Grider, Leah Wolfe, Luci Woodard, and Mylesha Yao. Queen Keller and her Royal…
Introducing the 2021 WHS Homecoming Court led by Queen Keller Bigham
Warren High School will celebrate Homecoming on Oct. 15 with a football game against the DeWitt Dragons. Members of the Homecoming court are, from front, clockwise, Queen Keller Bigham, senior maids Mylesha Yao, Leah Wolfe, Annie Figueroa, Tyairean Bass, Jacey Ashcraft, Ashlyn Broughton, Jayden Grider and Luci Woodard. For a full list of homecoming week…
2021 WHS Homecoming Court announced
Quorum Court votes to eliminate commercial garbage collection in the County/Reconsiders Callum Hospital appointment
During the July 2021 Bradley County Quorum Court meeting conducted July 19, 2021, eight of the nine JP’s were present to conduct business. Several items of routine and new business were acted upon. All reports were reviewed and approved. In a major change in solid waste policy, the court voted to stop collecting class I…