WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) applauded the positive impact of FFA on future agricultural leaders in commemoration of National FFA Week. “FFA is sparking an interest in the field of agriculture. This is a program that provides students with the tools and knowledge to grow into the next generation of agriculture leaders. I…
All posts tagged ffa
WHS FFA volunteers at the BC Fair giving animal tours to elementary students
Students from the Warren High School Future Farmers of America organization volunteered this past Saturday, September 11, 2021 at the Bradley County Fair’s petting zoo giving tours introducing elementary kids to a variety of farm animals.

Pastime: Those FFA little paper popcorn bags of heaven
With the start of Lumberjack football comes that unique salty scented memory of freshly popped popcorn. Just inside the southeast gate at old O. O. Axley Field, on the home stand side, is where the scent of this Pastime memory begins and I can smell it every time I step inside any football stadium. That…