Warren School Board hires personnel

The Warren School Board met Tuesday, July 26 and voted to hire five new members of the school faculty and staff. The following are those approved: Emily Groves-Brunson 5th Grade Literacy M.J. Bradley-ABC Lead Teacher Andrew Sanders-Warren Middle School ALE, Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant High School Football Coach, Assistant Jr. High Football Coach Katelynn Wedige-School…

WSD Board passes 2020/2021 budget that includes funds for construction of new elementary school and sports arena

Warren School Board passed the 2021-22 school budget during a special meeting Tuesday. The budget year actually goes from June 1, 2021-July 31, 2022. Included in the budget this year is about $20 million for construction of the new elementary school and sports arena. The budget includes: Total district teacher salary, operating, debt service: $2,090,450.10,…

Hermitage School Board takes actions for 2021/2022 year

The Hermitage School Board met Monday, August 9, 2021 and conducted business in preparation for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. After taking care of all routine monthly business and hearing updates from the administrative staff, the board approved a resolution for contract disclosure for Collin Wilkerson and Tracie Richard. Both employees are related…