Check out the new SRC Shop, featuring local apparel and souvenirs!

This morning, August 1, 2022, Saline River Chronicle launched an online-only local apparel and souvenir shop which offers an array of exclusive designs for the Warren and Bradley County Community. “We are incredibly excited to open the official Saline River Chronicle shop, which carries one-of-a-kind clothing celebrating our community,” said SRC owner Rob Reep. Many…

SRC sales manager takes part in Extension Service training program for students

SRC sales manager takes part in Extension Service training program for students

The U of A Division of Agriculture Extension Office of Bradley County recently conducted their program “Get Real, Here’s the Deal” that teaches high school students about real life. The event was put on for students at Hermitage High School. In charge of the program is Michelle Carter, County Ext. Agent-Family and Consumer Sciences. The…