Warren Ways and Means Committee members met Thursday in an attempt to finalize the 2023 city budget but the meeting ended with several unanswered questions. Several items were discussed but no recommendations were made, instead deferring action to the full council. The committee consists of Chairwoman Dorothy Henderson and Alderwomen Memory Frazer and Emily Moseley.…
All posts tagged ways and means
Warren Ways and Means discusses remaining American Rescue Plan funds
The Warren City Council Ways and Means Committee met Wednesday afternoon at the Warren Municipal Building to discuss city needs and the utilization of the remaining American Rescue Plan funds available to the city. Council Member Dorothy Henderson chairs the committee. Other members are Council Members Memory Burks Frazer and Council Member Emily Moseley. All…
Warren City Council discusses 2022 budget in detail-Full meeting video available
Warren, Arkansas – A number of items of business were dealt with Monday, November 8 during the regular monthly Warren City Council meeting, with a large portion of the time spent going over the proposed City 2022 budget, as well as actions and deliberations of the Council’s Ways and Means Committee, and comments from Committee…