Locals compete in annual tomato packing contest(winners announced+photos from the event)

The 2022 Bradley County Pink Tomato Festival’s annual Tomato Packing Contest was held Friday, June 10, 2022 on the court square in Warren, featuring the best of the best tomato box speed packers from the world capital of tomato farming. Winner’s included the following(Photos by Tim Kessler.):

Adult Division Winners Anna Wegelin, first; Cindy Norris, second; Gail Thompson, third.
15-19 Division Winners: Kaylee Nichols, first; Weston Gavin, second; Delfino Rivera, third.
9-14 Division Winners: Kaden Hammer, first; Luke Webb, second; Jenna Scroggins, third.
Eight and under: Laynie Spraggins, first; Emma Smith, second; Branton Smith, third.

More photos from the event:

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