The following isa press release from The Property Planning Committee for Bradley County. Saline River News will have a more in-depth report on this story this weekend or early next week.

The Property Planning Committee (PPC) charged with the task of determining purpose and infrastructure for the property across from the south lawn of the Bradley County Courthouse is proud to reveal the fruits of its labor. The PPC collaborated with students from the EAST lab at Warren High School to survey Bradley County residents on what they would like to see the property become. With most respondents expressing the desire for an entertainment/recreational venue, the task then turned to determining what features the citizens would like to see in the structure. The PPC desired to create a space that could be used throughout the year for various purposes, including farmer’s markets, gospel singings, band concerts, etc. This information was shared with architect Ken King of Lockeby and Associates, and after several meetings for input and feedback, the final vision for the venue has been created and presentation boards distributed to share the final product drawings. These boards have been distributed to the local banks and other communal settings, as well as in the courthouse, for public viewing. The committee members encourage citizens to take a glimpse into the future of Bradley County.