WARREN, Ark. – The Bradley County Medical Center Board of Directors met inside the BCMC Conference Room on Tuesday, Nov. 21 for its monthly gathering with annual meetings, Christmas bonuses, financial reports, election of officers, and more on the docket.

The first order of business was to conduct annual meetings for the Bradley Medical Foundation, Bradley Medical Services, and Bradley Medical System. The minutes and bylaws for all three entities were approved unanimously. Additionally, all three retained the officers of Freddie Mobley as president, Joe Don Greenwood as Vice Chairman/Treasurer, and French Wynne as secretary. Those positions mirror each one’s position on the Board of Directors, which was approved for another year later in the meeting.
The meeting moved into the regular segment with approval of the minutes from last month’s meeting. Controller Matt Pace conducted his report by letting the board know senior care days and home health visits were up, while acute and swing bed days were down. He informed the board that gross patient revenue was $4,360,027 while the net operating was $2,308,439. There was a net operating income of $194,370 with a net income of $248,433. He concluded with a report of $116,565.82 being added in sales tax money to bring the total amount in the account to $4,950,619.37.
CEO/CFO Leslie Huitt began with informing the board about $628,829 the hospital received from the 2016 and 2017 Medicaid Cost Report. She confirmed that BCMC will obtain $836,065 for 2018 and 2019 in the coming weeks. She continued with positive news that the hospital has met the goal for operating margin for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. She stated that the hospital is very close to reaching the goal of days in accounts receivable as well.
Huitt transitioned into news that accounts receivable continues to grow, unbilled accounts receivable was too high, and collections are not where they need to be. The unbilled issue has been resolved in November though. Huitt continued by letting the board know the BCMC Rural Health Clinic is improving its volumes and doing well with quality measures.
Other updates Huitt gave included a visit to Bernice, Louisiana to meet with the CEO and Maintenance Director of Reeves Memorial Medical Center. They just built a new hospital and shared information about the cost and financing for the project. She outlined the benefits of doing a cost report analysis before starting any type of renovation or addition project here and is looking into financing. Huitt also asked the board to look into future housing for ER physicians who will be working a week at a time. She thinks it could be a positive tool in recruiting.
Christmas bonuses of $200 for full-time employees and $100 for part-time and contract workers was recommended by Huitt. A motion was made for the bonuses and passed unanimously.
Chief Nursing Officer Jamie Wolfe briefed the board on BCMC earning a Bronze Recognition from ARORA (Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency) for educating and procuring organ donations. Wolfe let the board know BCMC’s nursing is fully staffed, and new hires are being mentored and trained.
The meeting continued with an update by Chief Operating Officer Leeanna Williams. Administration members and four department mangers attended the Arkansas Hospital Association Annual Meeting. She notified the board about the BCMC Rural Health Clinic Open House, scheduled for Friday, Dec. 6 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
A number of annual approvals were up next. The BCMC Auxiliary Policy, BCMC Board Bylaws, Authority Statement – Infection Control, Compliance Plan, Bradley County Medical Staff Bylaws, Medical Staff Required Committees, Medical Staff Officers, Home Health Bylaws, Home Health Emergency Preparedness, and Quality Improvement Plan were all up for annual approval and were passed unanimously by the board.
Annual policy approvals were up next with MOS HIM and Registration Policies along with Surgery Polices up for a vote. Both policy manuals were approved unanimously. The meeting concluded with the medical staff recommendations unanimously passed.
For the latest news and updates regarding BCMC please like the Bradley County Medical Center Facebook page or follow us on Instagram (BCMCWarren) or X, formerly Twitter (@BCMC Warren). To keep up with the most recent news and updates for the BCMC Rural Health Clinic, please like the BCMC Rural Health Clinic page on Facebook.