The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday, Jan. 28 inside First Methodist Church for its second meeting of the month. The group heard from Warren High School Junior Rotarians Bradley Mann, Sarah Villeda, and J’ciana Strong. The program for the day was from Warren EAST students Natalee Harmon, Mileigh Tillman, Natalie Gregorio, and Amy Dominguez, who spoke about their project, Operation Baby Box, which concerns placing a Safe Haven Baby Box in the community. Additionally, Rotarian Dr. Bob Smalling gave a recap of the BCEDC Annual Meeting and Rotarian Carlton Davis gave an update on the Imagination Library. The Imagination Library is the Warren Rotary Club’s main project and is in need of donations. Get in touch with a Rotarian if you’d like to donate to Imagination Library. The club’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11. The Rotary Club of Warren meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.