Warren Water & Sewer, Bradley County Rural Water, South West Warren Rural Water & Corinth Valley Rural Water are all under a precautionary boil order

The following is the official press release from Warren Water and Sewer:

Warren Water & Sewer, Bradley County Rural Water, South West Warren Rural Water & Corinth Valley Rural Water are all under a precautionary boil order until further notice. All customers on any of these water systems are advised the water may be unsafe for human consumption. Water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes should be boiled for one (1) minute before use. All ice cubes should be discarded. As an alternative, bottled water may be used. This precautionary boil order will remain in effect until further notice.

Until water pressure is back up to normal pressure will be under a precautionary boil order due to pump malfunction. Until consumption is at a treatable level all systems will remain under a boil order. If you have a question or need water disconnected to repair a water line please use the following numbers:

  • Warren Water & Sewer (870) 226-2321
  • Bradley County Rural Water (870) 226-6757
  • South West Warren Rural Water (870) 226-2321
  • Corinth Valley Rural Water (870) 226-2321

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