Today, February 21, 2022 is legally designated as “Presidents Day” in the United States. Current law designates Presidents Day as the third Monday of February. The day was originally an unofficial day to celebrate George Washington’s birthday to honor the man considered the “Father of our Country.” In 1879 the day was officially made a…
All posts tagged history
Celebrating Black History Month: Meet five local African-American leaders making an impact in Bradley County
Editor’s note: The following are profiles of prominent African-American leaders in Warren, in honor of Black History Month in February. Jerry Daniels Jerry Daniels has spent all of his 64 years in Warren, as he was born and raised here. A total of 44 of those years were spent as a logyard coordinator for Potlatch…
Pastime: Delicious cheese straws from a cookie exchange
A Pastime of my past surfaces each Christmas. It is more about an event and yet the culinary treat that came my way for simply moving a few card tables and pieces of furniture around, makes me write this after a half century of memories. Of my many duties as a Printer’s Devil at the…
Pastime: The Corral’s amazing Frito-Chili-Pie(Yes, Right There Made In The Bag of Golden Fried Corn Chips)
A recent column about Mary Lou Martin’s fantastic chili dogs at Lumberjack football games got me thinking and somewhat challenged by the younger generation discussing the merits between Wayne’s Confectionary and The Corral. Wasn’t Wayne’s and The Corral about the same, one younger generation questioner probed? No. I quickly stated. The two restaurants were not…
Where did the tomato originate?
NPR’s Venessa Romo recently published an article that Saline River Chronicle thought our readers might find interesting, especially given Bradley County’s connection with the tomato. Each June we celebrate the Bradley County Pink Tomato, our beloved delicious fruit, which comes off the vine year after year to the enjoyment of us all. But do you…
Library to participate in 9/11 Memorial and museum’s education exhibition
WARREN BRANCH LIBRARY is excited to announce its participation in September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World, a downloadable educational exhibition that presents the history of 9/11, its origins, and its ongoing implications through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks. Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes archival…
Pastime: That little blackboard scoreboard at Wayne’s
Just inside the front east door of the double entrance to Wayne’s Confectionary was a small 6 x 8 wooden framed blackboard mounted on the wall. It was perhaps one of the most important scoreboards in Warren’s history. A community scoreboard if there ever was one. I know all you children of electronics, computers, cell…
Pastime: Remember “Bank Night?”
After last week’s Pastime about the weekly “punch card” drawing at the Mad Butcher, several readers asked me about a forerunner of the 1930s and 1940s called: “Bank Night.” The Bank Night promotion was a unique and loyalty driven jackpot conceived and run by the Wharton family – the owners of the motion picture theaters…
Dana Harvey speaks to Warren Rotary about the Veterans History Project
Rotarian Dana Harvey presented the program at the meeting of the Warren Rotary Club on Tuesday, August 17 inside the Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church. Harvey’s program was about the Veterans History Project, which aims to collect, preserve, and make accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may…