Warren School Board approves several contracts and plans for 2022/23 year

Five members of the Warren School Board were present for the July 11, 2022 monthly board meeting. Financial reports were provided and then minute reports given by each school principal.

As part of the reports presented, updates were given on the percentages of students in each grade that meet or exceed state school standards in reading and math. After the presentation, the School Board President voiced his concern that the percentages were too low and too many kids are not learning up to standards. He asked the principals what the school board could do to help make more progress and increase the percentages of students meeting the standards. The same question was asked by Dr. Pennington. The principals each explained what they were trying to do to address the issue and indicated some progress has been made, but that more is needed.

After going into executive session the board voted to approve the following personnel matters:

Voted to accept the resignation of:

  • Taminsha Aunta Carter-Evens
  • Austin Hardy

Voted to hire the following:

  • Shelby Bays as Middle School 8th grade science instructor
  • Tiffany Domineck as a 6 hour cook, Jennifer Outlaw as 5 hour cook, Kabrina Tenner as 5 hour cook
  • Micah Richey was moved from golf coach to tennis coach
  • Clark Watkins as football defensive coordinator
  • Gia Morse for high school algebra teacher
  • LaDarian Pace as girls high school head basketball coach, assistant Jr. high girls basketball coach, assistant Sr. and Jr. high girls track coach and Warren high school health instructor

All votes were 5-0.

The board then approved the following:

  1. AR Public School Vehicle Insurance renewal at a cost of $19,516.00
  2. AR Public School Property Insurance renewal at a cost of $78,407.87
  3. Milk and bread bids from Hiland Dairy and Flowers Baking Company
  4. District Level Improvement Plan
  5. Approved Joel Tolefree as ASBA Legislative Liaison
  6. Approved Accreditation Plan
  7. Approved Arkansas Department of Education Act of 1965 as amended
  8. Approved School Health Survey for 2021-2022 school year
  9. Approved Howard Technologies for switches, access points, transceivers, 100G Cables for High School. Cost is $283,629.09 to be paid by insurance.
  10. Voted not to transfer a student to Woodlawn School District and another student to Hermitage School District.
  11. Approved proposed budget of expenditures for 2023-2024
  12. Approved Teacher & Administrator recruitment & retention plan to help locate and hire a diverse workforce.
  13. Amended WHS Handbook to add a course of Survey of Business and require it for all students who graduate beginning in 2026.

Superintendent Cornish provided an update on the new construction projects and the portable classrooms for use by the high school. He stated school will begin the new year August 15.

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